CO-45 Denial Code, Its Causes and Solution

CO-45 Denial Code in Medical Billing

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Have you ever been in a situation where you were providing the best medical care and received a denial for a medical claim? You might wonder why it happened even though everything was in order. Right? Healthcare providers often face claim denials and it can be challenging. CO-45 denial code is the most commonly occurred denials. This denial occurs when the amount billed for the service is higher than the what insurance company will pay based on the contract. 

Simply put, the insurance company has paid you less than what you billed for because of the contract. This can be a frustrating experience. Thus, it is essential to understand the reason why the denial occurred and how it can be resolved efficiently. 

In this blog we will learn what the CO-45 denial code is, we will also look at the reason that causes CO-45 denials and how to avoid it. 

What is the CO-45 Denial Code?

CO-45 denial code is defined as when the insurance companies demonstrate that the claim has been denied due to “charges have exceeded the contractual rate”. In other words, the amount the doctor has charged for a particular service or procedure is higher than the insurance company has agreed to pay according to the contract. 

The CO-45 denial code is typically seen in fee-for-service plans specifically for private health insurance companies. Additionally, it also appears in government programs where similar contracts exists including Medicare and Medicaid as well. 

Key Characteristics of CO-45 Denial Code:

  • Type: Claim Denial
  • Meaning: When the charges exceed your contracted/negotiated rate
  • Cause: When the billed amount is higher than what the insurer has agreed to pay according to the contract with the healthcare provider. 
  • Common in: mostly occur in Private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and government-owned programs that share the same contract 

It is essential to understand the cause behind the CO-45 denial and address the issue on time. 

Why Does the CO-45 Denial Code Occur?

Many reasons contribute to CO-45 denial. It can be a misunderstanding of contract terms between health insurance and the healthcare provider. Here is a list of reasons that cause CO-45 denial code: 

1. Provider-Billed Amount Exceeds Contracted Rate

The commonly occurring situation is when the provider’s bill exceeds the contracted rate with the insurance companies. Usually, insurance companies negotiate with the healthcare professionals the maximum amount they will pay for a service. However, if the provider submits the claim with a higher amount then the insurer with the claim denial using code CO-45 code. 

2. Incorrect Billing Codes

Sometimes the incorrect billing code also results in a CO-45 denial. So, if a wrong CPT ( Current Procedural Terminology) code or ICD (International Classification of Diseases) code is used the insurance will likely reject the claim assuming the amount has been exceeded. 

3. Bundling or Unbundling of Services

Most insurance companies bundle the services. In other words, the services are reimbursed to the provider in a group of services under a single payment. So, if a provider unbundles the services and submits separate claims then it will result in a CO-45 denial code. Because the bundled rate is lower than the unbundled rate the insurer will likely reject it because it exceeds the negotiated rate. 

4. Out-of-Network Providers

The reimbursement is significantly lower for out-of-network providers as compared to in-network providers. So, if the provider submits a bill at a higher rate it will possibly lead to a CO-45 denial code. 

5. Adjustments or Modifications to Contractual Rates

The provider must stay updated with the latest updates from the insurance companies. If the provider fails to do so it will likely result in CO-45-denial due to the billed amount being higher than the contractual amount. 

How to Resolve CO-45 Denial Code?

CO-45 denial code is resolvable. Generally, the solution involves reviewing the billing details and then contacting the insurance company to remove errors. Here are the steps you can take to resolve the CO-45 denial code: 

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For Healthcare Providers:

  1. Verify the Billed Amount: verify the billed amount for service. Then double-check if it is higher than the contractual rate. If it is higher then adjust the amount to get the issue resolved. 
  2. Check the Contractual Agreement: Check and align your bill with the contractual agreement between the provider and the insurance company. 
  3. Review Codes Used: check and verify whether the CPT and ICD codes submitted with the claim are correct. If the codes are incorrect with will create discrepancies in the billing amount resulting in denial. Resubmit the bill with the correct codes. 
  4. Submit a Reconsideration Request: If the denial was issued in error then submit a reconsideration request. Attach supporting evidence with your case such as a copy of the contract, accurate billing codes, and additional information. 
  5. Contact the Payer: if the reason for denial is ambiguous then consider contacting the insurance company. The insurance representative will provide you with additional details.
  6. Consider Appeal Options: You can file for appeal if the denial requires reconsideration. It will require additional documents patient records, billing details, supporting evidence, and billing amount. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What should I do if I receive a CO-45 denial code?

You should review the billed amount, ensure it matches your contractual rate with the insurer, and check for billing code errors. If you believe the denial is incorrect, you can contact the insurance company or file an appeal.

2. Is the CO-45 denial code common?

Yes, the CO-45 denial code is fairly common, especially in cases where billing discrepancies arise between what the provider charges and the insurer’s agreed-upon rates.

3. Can the CO-45 denial be appealed?

Yes, you can appeal a CO-45 denial by providing evidence that supports your case, such as your contract with the insurance company or corrected billing codes.

4. How can I avoid CO-45 denials in the future?

To avoid CO-45 denials, ensure that you are billing at the correct contracted rate, use accurate billing codes, and stay updated on any changes to your agreement with the insurer.

5. Can patients help resolve a CO-45 denial?

Patients can help by reviewing the EOB, contacting their provider to discuss the charges, and working with the insurance company to resolve the issue if needed.


The CO-45 denial code can be frustrating, but with the right knowledge and approach, it’s possible to resolve the issue efficiently. Whether you’re a healthcare provider or a patient, understanding the reasons behind the denial and taking the proper steps to address it can help ensure timely payment for services rendered. Always stay in communication with the insurer and provider, keep thorough records, and follow the appeals process if necessary. By doing so, you can overcome CO-45 denials and improve the efficiency of the healthcare billing process for all parties involved.

Read Also: Understanding Denial Codes in Medical Billing

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